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With over a 90% success rate*, Attorney Jesse Diaz prides himself on providing selfless dedication to his clients. Jesse oversees QT&T's Homeowner's Insurance Department, and for the last 4 years, he has focused solely on helping Homeowners and Commercial property owners appeal their wrongfully denied and underplayed claims.

Jesse earned his Law Degree from Barry University’s Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law. Before joining QT&T, Jesse worked at one of Florida’s largest Homeowner’s Insurance Claim law firms. During his time there Jesse oversaw hundreds of insurance claims and recovered tens of millions of dollars for homeowners every year. Now at Quattrochi, Torres & Taormina, P.A., Jesse brings the wealth of experience of a large firm with the high-quality legal representation only possible with a boutique firm.

During his leisure time, Jesse and his wife Carley enjoy wine, traveling, and spoiling their baby girl.

* Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. Our success rate is based on clients receiving more than their original coverage determination. 

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