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Joseph V. Taormina Reviews out of 22 reviews
Joseph V. Taormina Reviews out of 22 reviews
Joseph V. Taormina Reviews out of 22 reviews

Joseph Taormina


Attorney Joseph Taormina is a long-time Floridian having moved to Jacksonville from the northeast as a child. He attended high school in Jacksonville and undergrad at Florida State University. After undergrad, he lived in New York City for a half a decade pursuing a musical career and then decided to pursue a career in law. He met his wife, Sarah—also a Floridian—in NYC and they moved back to Florida and started a family and law school. Now a proud father of two young boys, the workweeks (and some weekends) are spent litigating and helping clients. He spends his weekends fishing and at football games and trying to keep up with two boys.  See reviews here.

What he enjoys most about his work as an attorney is getting his clients out of tough situations and relieving their stress. We’ve changed many lives for the better and we aim to keep doing that for many years.

We Solve Problems!

Mr. Taormina practices a few different areas of law, like personal injuries, real estate disputes, probate, bankruptcy and debt defense, and some general practice areas. What they all have in common is: we are solving problems. Our clients have all types of different legal problems, but most have families and must work and continue with their normal lives while their legal matters are resolved. Getting clients back to normal and solving their stressful problems is what our business is all about.

Real Estate: Foreclosure Defense

Our goal is to save homes.  If you are looking for an experienced real estate lawyer, look no further than Joe Taormina.  Mr. Taormina has represented hundreds of Florida homeowners in cases filed by banks, HOAs, Code Enforcement Boards, and contractors.  Most homeowners are looking to save their homes and need to explore the many options that are available to protect their homesteads.  Our firm can help clients with loan reinstatement, loan modification, repayment plans, bankruptcy, and more.  Most of our clients pay us a low flat fee monthly payment that avoids suprise billing. 

Real Estate: Partitions

A Partition lawsuit is filed by one or more co-owners of property in Florida.  Mr. Taormina has represented many owners as both Plaintiffs and Defendants in Partition suits and has aggressively represented them to make sure they get what they deserve out of the sale of the property.

Homeowner's Association Foreclosure Cases

Many people are unaware that Homeowner's and Condo Association file thousands of foreclosure cases a month and add interest, late fees, attorney's fees, and court fees, usually over very small amounts of money.  Remember, the HOA is supposed to be a board of your neighbors.  However, many HOAs outsource the management to a for-profit management company that does not always act like a neighbor. Attorney Joe Taormina has defended hundreds of HOA foreclosure cases and has a success rate over over 99.99%.

Debt Defense: Credit Card Cases

Many good people get behind on credit cards and other loans and get sued by the lender or credit card company.  We offer a very affordable service whereby we appear in court on behalf of our client and negotiate a settlement of the debt and payment plan and dismissal.  We can usually reduce the balance by 25%.  See more about our debt defense service here Bankruptcy is also an option that many clients pursue. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows individuals or or businesses to discharge most of their unsecured debts, such as credit card debt and medical bills and is often pursued by those with limited income who cannot repay their debts. The process typically takes a few months, and once completed, most debts are wiped out, giving the client a fresh financial start.

Call our office to speak directly to Mr. Taormina.  407-452-4918

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